Trouble at The Devil’s Pulpit

Devils Pulpit Rescue

There have been recent troubles at Outlander location, The Devil’s Pulpit, in Finnich Glen.

Used in season 1 as Liar’s Spring, The Devil’s Pulpit is the gorge/glen where Dougal tests Claire to find out whether or not she can be trusted. Being difficult to reach the gorge is typically not included in most Outlander tours. Not surprisingly this has led to many Outlander fans making their own journeys to this location.

Devils Pulpit Rescue

This increase in visitors to the glen has led to problems. Earlier this month Mountain Rescue had to rescue a tourist who had descended into the gorge, finding  herself unable to climb out. Also, there has been concerns expressed about tourists parking dangerously and walking on busy country roads to reach the Pulpit.

Finnich Glen

To help fans wanting to visit The Devil’s Pulpit we have provided some advice on its location page. We’ve put together a map which shows parking areas, and gives directions leading to the stairs descending into the gorge. Hopefully this will be of some assistance to visitors to this splendid site.