Outlander season 5 update : Lallybroch filming cancellation confusion

Midhope Castle

Outlander to return to Lallybroch (Midhope Castle)! Well, that was the plan. Now, we’re not so sure.

Midhope Castle

It was leaked yesterday (26 August) morning that filming at Midhope Castle had been cancelled. Edinburgh Tour Guides shared the press release on Facebook, showing that “filming at Midhope has been shelved for the foreseeable future”. Other tour groups did likewise, confirming this move. The reason being given was excessive facial hair. Yes! Really! To quote the article further ” The issue appears to be an actor who is on release from a separate production who has grown a beard! This does not fit the story line for Outlander and the executive producers have taken the decision to remove the scenes for Series 5.”

Midhope Filming Cancelled

We assume they mean Steven Cree. The actor, who plays Ian Murray, was recently seen with beard at the Highlanders 4 convention. The only other significant male character left at Lallybroch that we can think of is young Jamie. Despite being the current laird, we think Jamie Murray is an unlikely character to merit appearing in season 5.

As expected there has been much discussion about the cancellation, and the reason given. It was pointed out that a beard wasn’t uncommon in the 1700s, and Cree could possibly grow it back quick enough for his other show. Also, it would be far from the biggest deviation from the original story. So, is there another reason for this press release?

The Midhope Castle website still says (as of 9:15 am, 27 August) that there will be filming, 2 – 6 September. So, we’re hoping that there will be filming. Perhaps it is all a ruse to keep fan numbers to a minimum during filming. We’ll find out soon enough.

Update : As of 10:00 am, 27 August, the Midhope Castle website has removed the text saying that there will be filming. It looks definite that filming has been cancelled. 🙁